Revasia Actualités Séminaires / Ateliers One Health in Action workshop
One Health is a multidisciplinary approach to achieve optimal health for people, animals and the environment through local, regional and global research collaboration. Particularly in Southeast Asia, One Health has gained much more focus due to the rise of cross-species epidemics such as SARS, avian influenza, and Nipah virus. With 70% of emerging diseases being of animal origins, this has become a crucial issue for Southeast Asia due to increasingly high urbanisation rates and dramatic expansion of livestock production. However, implementing One Health research and intervention at local and regional levels is facing many challenges in terms of institutional support, human capacity, and resource availability.
To address these concerns, an expert workshop “From OH Theory to Reality: Practical challenges, impact of OH initiatives and gaps in research” will be held in Vietnam as part of the European Project SEA-EU-NET "ASEAN-EU Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation jointly tackling global challenges" ( - a European Union's Seventh Framework Program-funded project which aims at strengthening S&T cooperation between Europe and Southeast Asia.
Technical objectives of the workshop aim at providing information on the proof of concept, the impact/added value of One Health implementation in the field, identifying practical challenges linked to implementation of One Health concept and identifying gaps and needs for One Health research. The workshop will cover 3 main topics: 1) One Health surveillance; 2) One Health/EcoHealth research at the wildlife/domestic animals/humans interface and 3) Antimicrobial resistance: a One Health challenge.
Programme, Participants list and Presentations
Programme | |
Participants list |
Presentation of Workshop Objectives | Dr. Marisa Peyre, CIRAD on behalf of the workshop organising committee | |
Definitions and Scope of One Health/EcoHealth Approaches | Dr. Véronique Chevalier, AGIRs, CIRAD | |
One Health/EcoHealth Principles and Practice: Experience from Southeast Asia | Prof. Bruce Wilcox, Mahidol University | |
Interventions from Field Actors | Dr. Dang Dinh Thoang – Director of Hanam Preventive Medicine Center, and Director of Sub-Department of Animal Health (DAH) of Son La Province, and Tran Minh Tam, MSc, DVM – Head of sub-DAH, Vinh Phuc province | |
ILRI@40 | Dr. Nguyen Viet Hung, Senior Scientist ILRI Vietnam |
Joint effort in human and animal health research and reporting systems in Vietnam | Ass. Prof. Nguyen Thu Yen, NIHE & Ass. Prof. Nguyen Viet Khong, Deputy Director NIVR | ||||
Prevention and Control of Zoonotic Causes of Acute Bloody Diarrhoea in Rural Cambodia | Dr. Chay Ty, Celagrid, Cambodia | ||||
Surveillance of zoonones in Vietnam: the example of avian influenza | Dr. Thanh Long Pham, DAH, Vietnam | ||||
Mobilizing Community-Based Research on Zoonotic Infections: Case Studies of Longitudinal Cohorts in Vietnam |
WCS Involvement in EPT in Lao PDR | Dr. S. Silithammavong, WCS, Laos | |
EcoHealth and One Health Research and Capacity Building in Addressing Zoonotic Disease Control in Southeast Asia | Dr. Fred Unger, ILRI Vietnam, Vietnam | |
Livestock Intensification Affects Community Health in Vietnam (ECOMORE) | Dr. Le Phương Mai, NIHE, Vietnam | |
From One Health Research to Training and Practical Implementation | Dr. Esther Shelling, Swiss TPH | |
Community Empowerment as an Implementation Model of One Health Towards the Healthy Indonesia | Dr. Wisnu Nurcahyo, UGM, Indonesia | |
Model of Senior Public Health Volunteers Acting as Focal Points for Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease Control and Prevention in Vietnam | Dr. Pham Duc Phuc, VOHUN, Vietnam | |
Meeting the Implementation Challenges of One Health in Vietnam | Dr. Scott Newman, FAO, ECTAD, on behalf of OH communication group, PAHI Vietnam |
Antibiotic Use and the Antibiotic Resistance Epidemic in Asia; Time for a One Health Intervention | Dr. Heiman Wertheim, Wellcome Trust OUCRU Vietnam, UK | |
Exploring Antibacterial Use and Resistance in Animals, Man and the Environment | Dr. Nicola J. Willams, Liverpool University, UK | |
Monitoring antimicrobial resistance of bacteria along the food chain and the environment calling for an interdisciplinary approach | Dr. Samira Sarter, CIRAD & Hanoi University of Science & Technology, Vietnam | |
From One Health Research to Training and Practical Implementation | Dr. Esther Shelling, Swiss TPH | |
Antimicrobial Resistance and One Health: Time to act | Dr. Bruno Gonzales-Zorn, JPIAMR, Spain |
How to Address H2020 Calls? Practical recommendations | Dr. Claire Khoury, CIRAD, France | |
Network for Evaluation of One Health COST action | Dr. Martha Betson, RVC, UK |
H2020 topics | |
Workshop recomendations |
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